Healthy eating with Parkinson’s disease

Woman eating healthy meal

(from Julia König on the webinar: “Nutrition for Parkinson’s” by the Orbit Parkinson Web Academy) Here is a blog post about our recent webinar, “Nutrition for Parkinson’s” with guest speaker Julia König. You can watch the webinar on our YouTube channel here. Enjoy!   Living with Parkinson’s disease can be challenging in many ways, not […]

My life with Parkinson’s: Two perspectives on dealing with the disease

Orbit Health Parkinson Management

In May this year, we supported the Ping Pong Parkinson German Open as a sponsor and were on site in Nordhorn. At the event, we interviewed two members of our Early Access Program who have been using our Neptune Care solution consistently for over a year. Read on to find out how they deal with […]

Touchstones for Living Well with Parkinson’s Disease: Inspirations and Learnings from this Year’s World Parkinson’s Congress

I attended the 6th World Parkinson’s Congress in Barcelona in early July 2023 and found it inspiring and uplifting. It was attended by health professionals of all disciplines, researchers, charities, exhibitors, and of course, people-with-Parkinson’s. I attended sessions ranging from biological subtypes of PD, apathy and fatigue and other under-recognised non-motor symptoms, the benefits of […]

Exercise and Parkinson’s: My Personal Experience

I’ve been a keen sportsman all my life and, being tuned into how my body moves, it was slight and subtle changes in my coordination and dexterity that first alerted me to something being wrong. I was subsequently diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease at age 59, four years ago. I’ve played squash from an early age, […]

How one doctor’s experience inspired a new tool for Parkinson’s disease

How can new technology help people with Parkinson’s manage symptoms between doctor’s appointments? This question prompted the development of Orbit Health’s Neptune and Neptune Care apps – we talk to the creators to learn more   “One major gap in Parkinson’s clinical care today is that, as a doctor, you often rely on a small […]

Enabling personalized care for chronic conditions